Wednesday, March 08, 2006


You'll pardon the lack of posts of late as Learner has been ambushed by an early mid-term week and I've not seen much of him as a result.

Last we talked, he was looking down the barrel of preparing and preaching his first sermon for his Homiletics class, writing three individual reflection papers on several books he was trying to finish, composing a four-page paper on the view of humanity from an open theism perspective, and researching and making an initial proposal for his big Covenant Theology paper due later this semester.

The good news is he only has one actual mid-term exam (Gospels), which is in an envelope in his bag, waiting for him to pull out, open, and give himself two hours between now and a week's passing to take. Getting through this exam and literally a month's backlog of reading should put him on top of things again.

As if he ever were.