Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Random Observations, Part 1

As Learner is entering into the mid-term phase, complete with papers, projects, and exams, I thought I'd share a few of my own observations about life at seminary. As Learner is always so serious most of the time, I thought some humor might be in order.

Random observations (in no particular order or worth):

- There seems to be a rather disproportionate amount of women at seminary named Rebecca.

- Modes of book transportation are as varied as the student body (or bodies). For instance, while Learner purposely uses a black leather bag that only holds his computer, one class binder, and a thin book, other students transport entire libraries back and forth across campus in regulation-size hiking backpacks. I've also seen books carried in plastic bags, stuffed in oversized coat pockets, jammed in baby strollers, and transported in the hands of small children while their parents also have their hands full.

- Though they'll probably preach from Colossians 3:23-24 and other such verses on excellence, these future preachers and pastors sure do leave and walk by a large amount of litter and trash on campus.

- For most seminary students, coffee - not the face of God - is the first thing they seek in the morning.

- The silly rituals and rhetoric of junior high male/female relating are very much alive and well among the seminary's single population.

- A majority of the professors have noticeably larger-than-average skulls, presumably due to their enormous brains. This fact is especially pronounced when professors get haircuts.

More to come, I'm sure.